Global Crack School

A deep dive into crack climbing skills and techniques, from the world leading crack specialists and coaches; Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker (aka The Wide Boyz)


Designed for climbers who want to level up their crack climbing and positively bring comfort and satisfaction to their jamming life.

Does this sound like you?


  • The crack is too big or too small for my hands. I don’t know what to do…

  • My jams feel uncomfortable. I’m unsure if I’m doing it correctly.

  • I’m sliding out of the crack. I know these jams should definitely be solid…

  • My technique is good, but I don’t understand the subtleties to reach the next level
You’re not alone…

Crack climbing can feel overwhelming or difficult to begin with. However, that’s because it requires an entirely different set of skills compared to what people class as ‘normal climbing’. One doesn’t really apply that well to the other.

However, if you learn the techniques, no matter your level, you will instantly see improvements with no time needed to improve strength or fitness. With our simple learning steps, we’ve witnessed students being unable to move off the ground at the beginning of our sessions, to confidently moving on a range of crack sizes, in under an hour.

We know what you’re asking: “I need these learning steps”

Use the form to sign up for course updates and don’t miss out!

Over a decade ago technical information about jamming was incredibly limited, so we learnt the long way;
By working our way up from the easiest cracks, to climbing and establishing the world’s hardest cracks (5.14+); We’ve come across every style at every angle, and experienced it all
Pete climbing No Way Jose 5.13c (8a+)
Tom and Pete using team work to climb the world’s longest (roof) crack; 2500ft, and one of the hardest multipitch climbs worldwide
By crack climbing as a team for over 16 years; we’ve been able to thoroughly analyse what does and doesn’t work.
By teaching thousands of people worldwide; we’ve seen all the common mistakes and answered all the questions.
Pete teaching 350 Crack Fest participants how to tape up correctly

Between us we’ve spent over 4 decades not only gaining and refining all the knowledge we have learnt, but teaching it to thousands of people worldwide and gaining a further understanding of why (and not just how) jams work in the way they do.

After 32 years of trial & error, climbing and coaching, the hard work has been done. Finally, we are going to offer all this to you in a digestible way, through our online Global Crack School course.

More information about Global Crack School, due early 2025, will be coming to this page in the coming months. But to make sure you don’t miss any updates and have the best chance of getting a spot on the course, sign up using the form above